Are you planning for your future?

We offer prompt life insurance quotes for both new and existing clients. We can help anyone maneuver the process of finding a life insurance agent, but our specialty is helping the citizens of Lancaster Oh, as well as Logan and Canal Winchester.

Get a quote by calling 740-687-5733 or by completing the form below. 

life insurance is cheap!Whether you have a family or a partner who depends on you financially, having life insurance is essential to keep them stable if you suddenly were to pass away. Sure, this topic may be a bit hard to talk about because we don’t want to think about it, or are simply not ready to have those conversations. Although it’s difficult to think about, life insurance has saved countless families each year.

Also known as a “death benefit,” life insurance provides money to your chosen beneficiary after you pass. Life insurance helps protect your family financially, and it can help replace any lost income and support loved ones to pay off debt.

This type of debt includes debt you leave behind, such as credit card debt, business debt, educational loans, personal loans, and mortgage debt. As we all know, creditors will go after a deceased person’s relatives or next of kin to collect any money owed.

Moreover, let’s not forget that funerals are expensive, and life insurance money can help pay off these costs. The last thing your family needs is more emotional stress due to financing a funeral after the head of the household has suddenly died.

If you live in Lancaster, Ohio and you’re looking for affordable life insurance rates, give our experienced staff a call today! We’re ready to guide you through each step of the process.

Applicant Information
First Name
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Phone Number
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Last Name
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Email Address
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Groups & Associations Discount?
  • None
  • AARP
  • Chamber of Commerce Member
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Date of birth
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Marital Status
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Other tobacco products?
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Spouse's Information
Spouse's First Name
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Spouse's Last Name
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Spouse's Date of Birth
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Spouse's Height
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Spouse's Sex:
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Spouse's Weight
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Field is required!
Spousal's Occupation
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Field is required!
Field is required!
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Other tobacco products?
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Does applicant or spouse have a history of any of the following:
Alzheimer's disease, Cancer, Liver disease, Kidney disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diabetes, mental or nervous disorder, brain or nervous system disorder, epilepsy, seizures, heart attack, congestive heart failure and other heart disorder other than controlled high blood pressure, stroke, chronic lung disorder, emphysema, alcoholism or drug abuse?
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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?
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Have you been advised by any physician during the past three years to have any surgery, hospital confinement or nursing facility confinement, and have not yet done so?
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On any medications?
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If yes to any of the above please explain and give treatment dates:
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Life amounts requested for Applicant
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Life amounts requested for Spouse
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Reasons policy needed?
Final expenses (medical costs funeral expenses estate administration)
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Field is required!
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Debt repayment (car loans, credit card balances, misc loans)
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Field is required!
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Housing (balance of mortgage, years left)
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Field is required!
Field is required!
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Education fund (college costs, number of children)
Field is required!
Field is required!
Field is required!
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Family expenses (food, clothing, utilities, home maintenance)
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Additional Resources

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