Keeping Your Car Safe and Yourself Composed

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Having your car stolen is a stressful and often violating experience. This blog will provide general tips to deter auto theft, discuss specific vulnerabilities of Kia cars, and address common concerns about parking location, recovery, and emotional well-being.

Having Bill Palmer Insurance as your agent is one of the best weapons you can employ when it comes to automobile theft in the Central Ohio region, but damage can still be done. We offer you some tips below to prevent auto theft, and how to recover emotionally from the trauma that comes with this particularly intrusive invasion of privacy.

Here’s what makes you vulnerable

  • Isolated Areas: Avoid parking lots with limited visibility or far from public view. Thieves seek opportunities to operate unseen.
  • Poorly Lit Areas: Darkness provides cover for criminals. Park in well-lit areas with good visibility, preferably under security cameras.
  • Unattended for Long Periods: The longer your car is unattended, the higher the theft risk. Consider alternatives for extended absences.
  • Consider an Alarm System: A visible alarm system can deter thieves. Ensure yours is functional and up-to-date.
  • Remove Valuables: Don’t leave valuables like purses, laptops, or electronics in plain sight. This can attract thieves and make your car a target.
  • Invest in Tracking: Consider installing a GPS tracker. This can help locate your car in case of theft.

Specific Concerns for Kia & Hyundai Cars

There has been a recent rise in thefts due to a lack of standard immobilizer systems in some models. This makes them easier to steal using a method spread on social media. Here’s what owners can do:

  • 2015-2021 Hyundai’s and 2011-2021 Kia’s… owners of these need to get the manufacturers software upgrade, an alarm system that immobilizes the vehicle, or a steering wheel lock before a lot of carriers will insure them.
  • Check for Immobilizer: Contact your dealer to see if your specific model has an immobilizer.
    Software Update: Kia has released a software update to address this vulnerability. Check with your dealer to see if your car is eligible and get it updated as soon as possible.
  • Steering Wheel Lock: While not a foolproof solution, a visible steering wheel lock can act as a deterrent.
Call the staff of Bill Palmer Insurance for tips on keeping your car safe…

Through June 2023, most stolen vehicles in the US were:

1) Dodge Charger Hellcat
2) Dodge Charger Hemi
3) Infiniti Q50
4) Dodge Challenger
5) Range Rover
6) Kia Sportage
11) Kia Rio
12) Kia Forte

Getting a Stolen Car Back:

The average time to recover a stolen car varies depending on location, police resources, and the thief’s skill. Statistics show a recovery rate of around 60%, but it can take weeks or even months. If you have Rental Reimbursement Coverage through your auto insurance provider, you can get access to a free rental car while authorities work on recovering your stolen vehicle.

Coping with the Emotional Impact:

Having your car stolen can be a violation of your personal space and a source of anger, frustration, and even fear. Here are some tips for coping emotionally:

  • Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s normal to feel angry, upset, or violated. Allow yourself to feel these emotions and don’t bottle them up.
  • Talk it Out: Discussing your experience with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can be cathartic.
  • Focus on What You Can Control: While you can’t control what happened, you can control how you react. Focus on taking steps to move forward, such as filing a police report and contacting your insurance company.
  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as exercise, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies.

Additional Resources:

NHTSA Stolen Vehicle Statistics:
Kia Customer Service:

By following these tips and staying informed about vulnerabilities specific to your car, you can significantly reduce the risk of auto theft. Remember, even the most basic precautions can make a big difference. If you do experience a theft, know that you’re not alone and there are resources available to help you recover emotionally.

We also offer comprehensive insurance policies for ATVs, Rvs, and Motorcycles. If it moves, we’ll insure it.

Featured image thanks to Mark Bishop!

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