Reduce the Risk of Home Fires This Holiday Season

dog under a christmas tree

The holiday season is officially underway, and homes in Ohio are showing off their best decor. Outdoor lights, Christmas trees, and seasonal candles are a few of the season’s must-haves.

Unfortunately, some of the most common festivities and seasonal decorations that spark cheer may cause severe fire hazards.

A home fire can happen at any time, and it’s crucial to have a plan in case of one. However, it’s most important to look into all the ways to prevent a fire from happening in the first place. Simple, preventative steps can help keep your Ohio home and family safe without dampening the celebrations.

Simple Steps to Keep Your Home and Family Safe from Fires

As you prepare to indulge in family gatherings and festivities this holiday season, remember to take precautions to partake in all of it safely. Below are simple safety tips the Bill Palmer team has put together for you to keep safety in mind.

Avoid doing too much indoors. It’s cold outside, and as much as it is tempting to turn your home into a cozy winter wonderland, stay attentive. Candles, fireplaces, kitchen appliances, and space heaters can all cause fires. Be mindful of overusing any of these, and make it a point to use only a few at once.

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Make sure your decorations are pet friendly and child-proof to avoid accidents. Most of us know we must keep a well-watered Christmas tree to prevent it from catching on fire. Still, we can take extra safety steps by properly securing our trees to their stands. This helps avoid accidents so no pets or children can knock them over and cause a fire.

Finally, remember to ensure that all holiday lights (outdoor and indoor) are unplugged and all candles are off before you go to bed.

Check all of your smoke detectors before you begin decorating. Before adding lights, fabric, and shrubbery, ensure your home’s smoke detectors are working correctly with full batteries. Fires can destroy a house rapidly, and a working smoke detector can save lives and mitigate severe property damage.

Create a fire emergency plan. While preventative steps can help avoid loss and damage – accidents still happen. Thus, creating emergency home fire plans can save property and lives. Pinpoint your exit points and ensure everyone knows where you keep fire hydrants and retardants.

Bill Palmer Auto Insurance Has Your Back

In the event of a tragic loss or home fire, the team at Bill Palmer in Lancaster, Ohio, has you covered. No matter the reason for your house fire or property damage, Bill Palmer Insurance offers competitive coverage for the Lancaster region.

Don’t wait until you’re faced with an emergency. Our insurance agents can protect you with premium renter’s, home, or life insurance policies that will help you save more money in the long run. Contact us today!